Around the clock…

Working around the clock… oh my gosh I really hope we can show you the new website on Wednesday ❤️

Seriously love red … firy , dangerous. Love . Powerful..connected.. bloodline.. in the picture. On the right day every woman needs a red dress …. 6 more days and u can get yours in beautiful fabrics on ❤️#reddresses #red #redlover #redfashion #ladyinred💃 #eyeofawareness #glastonburygoddessconference
the Lioness

Eye of Awareness proudly presents another hot little summer dress … one more new design The Dress called the Lioness…. This dress will make them roar when you just being your pretty little self … soon on … just 7 more days count down ❤️ #lionessdress #animalprintdresses #uniquedesigns #festivalfashion #castlefest #kingdomofelfia #dasgrossetreffen #beachwearfashion #beachlife #beachdress #summer #selflove
New Website

So incredibly much work we all put in this website… still working hard… hopefully ready 1St of Mai …Please check the new website out on a labtop so u get to see all of it … ❤️